Quarternotes newsletter

Quarternotes is the official newsletter of the British Columbia Guild of English Handbell Ringers. Published quarterly — September, December, March, June — submissions can be sent to our editor at any time or by each issue’s deadline, the 15th day of the month preceding publication.
Quarternotes seeks to reflect the interests and activities of all Guild members, and to be a tool to foster and facilitate communication and cooperation among bell ringers in BC.
Please send notices of any upcoming concerts your choir is presenting or taking part in. If your choir has a logo, send that, too. Be sure to have a designated photographer at workshops to capture “action shots”. Seen a good website or read a good book for ringers? Let the editor know. As a vehicle for communication, Quarternotes is only as strong as the people making submissions.
To contact the editor or to forward material:
Nikki Attwell
3426 Rosedale Court
West Kelowna, BC V4T 2R6
phone 250.707.3375
fax 250.707.0523
[email protected]
Free sample copy
Download a free sample copy of Quarternotes — discover the benefits of belonging to BCGEHR!
Quarternotes accepts display advertising. Through individual and choir memberships, Quarternotes now reaches close to 250 BC handbell ringers. The newsletter is the main method of disseminating information, and provides a communications link, to Guild members across the province.
For providers of handbell/music services and products, purchasing a display ad is the most direct way to market to handbell enthusiasts in BC.
The rates are reasonable and ads are available in a variety of sizes.